Tuesday, September 17, 2013


What was really fun on this trip from beginning to end was watching our two sons, these two photographers, Eric and Tim, grabbing shots whenever and wherever, then comparing results and trying new tricks with all their amazing camera gear.  Night and day, rain or shine.  A photographer's dream trip, no deadlines or interruptions.  Total freedom to explore and shoot.  

To say nothing of those videos and shots through the windshield and the suction cup holding an iPhone video-ing the road ahead.  "Gotta do it some more pictures".


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Inside the Cavern

This is Eric as a V.A.L.* throwing some flash on the caverns for this photo. (he was holding an off-camera flash) We had a great time doing the caverns tour. Quite a hike - 2 miles, 2 hours... 1/2 a mile of that was actually inside the caves. Saw some bats. It was really cool.

*Voice Activated Lightstand

Sticker Bush

Here's a cool little plant that was growing on the arid ground near the trailer. It's about 8" across. Watch your step if you go barefoot.

Surroundings? What surroundings?

We're at Lewis & Clark Caverns where the boys discovered connectivity. We thought we were off the grid here,  but why not blog while you can?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Lewis & Clark Caverns

We're at Lewis & Clark Caverns Campground for the night and going to do a cave tour tomorrow. Pretty stoked for this. But for tonight, here's our campsite.

Incredible but true...

An incredible surprise, out here in the boondocks, a paved bike path connects the village of Three Forks, Montana with the Missouri Headwaters State Park just miles away.  Like the two ladies said, as we cheered their community's perspicacity for all good things cycling: "We're Three Forks, it's what we do!"  I'll say it again, A Paved Bike Path in the Boondocks, Incredible but True.

Very impressive piece of work that.  Lucky for us we had our bikes along on the trip.  Rode them into town the next day from our camp at the Missouri Headwaters State Park for a look-see and lunch.  The Iron Horse Cafe in downtown Three Forks had a wonderful menu for hungry man type food - Hot Turkey Sandwich with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy and exceptionally good coffee.  Must be catching on thereabouts. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gibbon Falls

Gibbon Falls on the Gibbon River in Yellowstone. Long exposure shot with a ND Filter to allow the water to blur.

Interacting with our Species

It seems we were not the only ones waiting to see Old Faithful...

Two Guys in Yellowstone Park

Tim and Eric at the Upper Falls on the Yellowstone River Viewpoint

Photo Ops

Let's see, a couple different ways to frame the scene, horizontal, vertical, close up or long shot - Eric & Canon with Tim as spotter.

Steaming Pits of Yellowstone

On the boardwalks with Tim

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

No Banjos Heard Here

The end of the float - it get's bumpy from here on down to Jackson.

Single frame lifted from video...

Exquisite Viewing

Tim & Dad enter the frame while canoeing down the Snake River with the Tetons in the background.

Single frame lifted from the video I was shooting...

It's almost like I'm in this dream.....

Incomparable mountain scenery from our canoe on the epic Snake River, not all that bad eh? That's Mount Moran immortalized with my trusty iPhone while drifting with 6 knot current downwind already - totally not all that bad eh?

Eric grabbing shots of Elk from the road

Never let a good photo-op of Elk browsing in meadows go by without at least a few long shots, maybe even some video.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Exquisite Drifting

Dad and I did some exquisite drifting in the canoe on the Snake River this afternoon while Eric got video of us for the big video we're working on (and yes, I'll put up some some Exquisite Video later). 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mission Accomplished

And here is our reproduction of the original photo, shot 49 years later on Sept. 8 2013.

The Original

This is the orginal photo, shot in August of 1964. Tim on the left, 23 months old, Eric on the right, 3-1/2 years old throwing stones at Jackson Lake.

Jackson Lake after too many dry years

Not like '64, we assumed the lake level would have been like it was then.  Not this year, the boys would have been under water here.

Bruin Stroll

As Dad & I headed back into the campground, we had a furry reminder that we in other creatures' element, not ours.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Planning Session

Talking about how best to shoot "The Photo".

American Airlines

Airliner flies in to Jackson, Wyoming with the Tetons in background.

Nearing Our Objective

Here's one of the first views of the Tetons.

Approaching Idaho Falls

This was pretty much the view as we approached Idaho Falls. But every once in a while there was a slight bend in the road.

Arco, Idaho

The first town in the U.S. to be powered by atomic energy - in 1955!

We three got a kick out of the years painted on the cliff overlooking the town.

The Great Rift

Just part of the Great Rift at Craters.


I shot Eric shooting Dad at Craters of the Moon National Monument.

Astronaut Was Here

In 1969, Apollo Astronauts trained here to prepare for landing on the moon. And now, we get to follow in their footsteps at Craters of the Moon, Idaho.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sunblock, Gromit!

Taking a cue from Wallace from "Wallace & Gromit", Tim & Dad enjoy a little cheese.

Oregon Trail via Goodale's Cutoff

How about this zoomed view for a reminder of what life must have been like in those days, alongside your family wagon hauled by the two oxen outfit you bought in St Louis, following the northern route, Goodale's Cutoff,  to avoid Indian troubles bedeviling the regular Oregon Trail route south of here?  Sort of makes you appreciate, gazing down on this nubby, rumpled landscape here in the steppe of central Idaho, what tough people those pilgrims must have been to survive a journey in empty, rugged country like that. 

Now there it's US Highway 20, the Sun Valley Highway, leading through the southern edges of the Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho.

Goodale's Cutoff

Off the freeway for a "shortcut" on our way to Craters of the Moon.

Getting to Goodale's Cutoff Viewpoint

This is how we got to that viewpoint a few miles east of Mountain Home yesterday...

This Ain't Napa

A little west of Boise.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lightning Cloud

Part of the lightning show at Farewell Bend State Park. We watched this cloud work it's way north for a half hour or so. The only time we could actually see the cloud was when the lightning flashed, about every 15 seconds or so. Otherwise it was a clear starry sky.

Starry Night

We camped at Farewell Bend campground in Oregon looking across the river to Idaho and listening to freight trains. It was a beautiful starry night, full of insects when we first arrived but after sundown, the bugs went away. We'll post some time lapse of stars one of these nights.


My favorite father texting my favorite mother.

Black Locust

A drought resistant species of tree growing nicely at the Weatherby Rest Stop on I-84 just south of Baker City. (With a little color/contrast enhancement)

Interstate Rest Area

Getting there is half the fun but wow, this is big country, time for a quick nap.

Container Freight

7916 pulling a string of containers through La Grande, Oregon

Roughing it Coffee-wise

We discovered that we need to use bottled water rather than the camper trailer's on board water tank - Eric asked how the coffee was as we did our morning ritual and we were like:

"It has a nice arabica aroma introduction on the front palate with almond and honey elements followed by notes of calcification and iron/magnesium with a poly-ethylene influenced giardia finish."